Monday 21 July 2014

Simple obedience. And raspberry picking. Day 4 #45daysofsummer

For the first time in weeks, I didn't set an alarm last night to let myself sleep in as long as my body felt necessary. Normally, I love being able to do that! But this morning, I woke feeling restless and uneasy at around 8am. I dozed for a while and then decided to take advantage of the quiet of the morning and spend some time with God. During holiday times, when my routine is out the window and every day looks different, I often find it hard to make the time to sit and pray or read the Bible. But recently, particularly during times when I've been feeling low, I have recognised God's quiet call to go to Him as He reminds me of the promise that He is all I need.

This morning was another of those times when I heard His gentle whisper, come to me.

So I did. And it was so refreshing, as it always is. 

I want to get better at practising simple obedience. When I hear His voice I want to respond immediately. Whenever I do, I am never disappointed but the next time, it is so easy to forget the time before, to doubt, to question, to fear.. And the moment can be quickly lost. But I am thankful that our God is so gracious and so willing and eager for us to connect with Him, He gives us chance after chance.
I am praying for strength and discipline to keep coming to Him throughout this holiday season, despite my lack of routine, and that I will hear and respond to His voice straight away, rather than miss what He has for me!

The rest of this day has been fruitful and productive.
In a later post, I will share more about the Summer Project that we have started with some students from Earls but I can already tick off some of the suggested activities which I am very excited about! After all, who doesn't love ticking things off a list?!

Dad and I took Missy up Clent this afternoon ('Go for a walk.' Check.) and as we were wandering along our familiar route trying to avoid other dog-walkers (if you've ever met Missy in a context with another dog, you'll understand why) we realised that all along the side of the path, raspberries were ripening by the dozen. We sampled a few to see if they were ready to pick and then collected a few (OK, more than few but not too many!) to bring home ('Go fruit picking.' Check). I figured I could use them to bake something delicious ('Bake something' is also one of the suggested Summer activities for the project so tomorrow I hope to tick that off too!) and therefore I'm going to make Raspberry & Orange muffins at some point tomorrow, all being well. :)

Bounding through the fields (Missy, not us!)

Finally got her to sit for a photo! What a cutie!


Our raspberries!!

My day got even more productive / active as I got some last minute holiday shopping done (well, I still have 5 days before I leave, so not quite last minute but ya know!) before going swimming with Rebs and Laura (I won't do this all the time, honest! But 'Go Swimming.' Check! Yay! Getting through them!). Want to add here that I am super proud of Rebs - she conquered some more fears today and achieved so much!

And nowww, I'm going to wrap up because Mom and I have just watched another episode of Grey's Anatomy (had to wait a whole two weeks while she was away!) and we're hoping to get another episode or half in before bed!

Day 4. Good day. So thankful for for Jesus' perseverance in calling me to Himself, and for family and friends.

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