Wednesday 16 July 2014

Make me brave

My three years at uni were a turbulent and testing time for me. I had some incredible experiences, built quality friendships and got a great education but I also found myself wading through some rough waters and facing unexpected challenges, personally and spiritually. I praise God that He held on to me through that time and saw me through, bringing me home to calmer waters and familiar territory.

Rend Collective's Lighthouse reminds me of this time. You will carry me safe to shore... God did carry me safely back to shore, back home for a season of rest and waiting.

Over the past 12 months, I have loved almost every minute of being home. I settled quickly back in to church life at Zion, serving in areas I love, getting plugged back in. By the end of last Summer, I found myself starting what can only be described as an incredible job as a Teaching Assistant at the High School I used to attend. Nearly every day I catch myself thinking 'gosh I love my job so much!' And I am so grateful for that! For the rest it's allowed me to have, as well as the enthusiasm and energy it has stirred up in me, for the opportunities to make a difference in the lives of so many young people, whilst also looking out for and after myself and my needs as I found my feet again after university.

There have been other significant things that have happened during the last year, some great and some not so great.. Some mountaintop experiences and some valleys to walk through. But all have played a part in bringing me to where I am now. I have learnt so much this year and I have grown in ways I wouldn't have imagined.

But now a different song comes to mind. One which has been an anthem playing in the background of the past four months:

You make me brave... You call me out beyond the shore in to the waves.
You make me brave... Nothing can hinder now the love that made a way.
You make me brave... No fear can hinder now the promises you make.

Things have changed and are changing. I am not waiting anymore. God is calling me out from the gentle tide into the waves of His promises, His adventure, the next stage of the plans He has for me. And I am responding, despite the fear, knowing that His love has already made a way for me and will continue to do so and that the One who calls me is totally faithful.
Where I will end up, quite literally, only God knows. But it is time to be brave. It is time to be made brave and to step out in to what He has for me. With His words, a whisper in my ears, see I am doing a new thing...

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear from you again online & looking forward to the next chapter...God is good all the time! Love you always :) Be blessed xxx
