Friday 18 July 2014

"It's been a long, hard year." Day 1 #45daysofsummer

In staff meeting after the kids went home early today, Tom uttered his traditional line (that I'm sure has been rightfully recited in every end-of-year meeting since he has been Principal there): Well folks, it's been a long, hard year.

And yes it has, in many ways. But in many others, it seems to have flown by and been so much fun that I hardly recognised the hard bits, or got over them pretty quickly.
I am overwhelmingly thankful to work in such a united team of colleagues, who are passionate about educating young people and helping them become confident, well-rounded citizens. If I haven't said that enough in my recent posts, there I said it again. Love my job!!

And so, here begin my summer holidays. 6 weeks of adventure. And whilst I (naturally!) have an array of plans and hopes for these next few weeks, I know that there will be surprises and unexpected challenges along the way, and God has so much more in store for me than I could ask or imagine or plan for myself! Bring it on!!!

Anyway, why not ease in the holidays gently, at the Lighthouse with the people I've spent the most time with this year, and kick the break off in style in the beer garden with a pint of coke?!

Then on to more time in the sunshine, on the hottest day of the year so far (I think?!) playing catch and cricket, eating ice cream and getting sun burn with the Allen family! Always a joy :)

And to end Day 1, a few of us from Earls feasted at Frankie and Benny's together before my epic loss at Hollywood Bowl. I did, however, manage to score and strike and a spare in between all my other goes when I pretty much threw the ball straight to the gutter... I never have said bowling was a strength of mine. This evening confirmed that it certainly is not. I hope I served to make everyone else feel rather good about their bowling skills, and well done Miss Banno for winning by miles!

So, after a long year of hard work, here's to a long summer of rest and play. #45daysofsummer

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