Sunday 20 July 2014

Day 3: All hands on deck. #45daysofsummer

It was a joy to celebrate 3 people getting baptised this morning at church, one of whom was my cousin-in-law! Although the past week has held quite a lot of sad news for a lot of people in our church family, today was a day for rejoicing and thanking God for His grace and for what Jesus did so that anyone could know Him. God is so good! Also got to don my Purple T-Shirt this morning and hang out with the DZ kids today as we learnt about Idea Scudder, a missionary in India in the early 1900s. The kids were challenged to think about what God might be asking them to do to help others - such a good question for them to be considering at such a young age so they can start using what they have to make a difference in other peoples' lives!

In other news, Mom and Dad arrived home from Austria late last night! Its so lovely to have them back, not only because I'm now not the only responsible adult in the household (sorry Matty!) which means I'm not the only one that has to remember to feed & water the dog, the snails, the plants, check the post, sort washing, etc.etc.etc.... But its lovely to have them back because I love them and I really have missed them these past couple of weeks, and particularly since I'm away for most of the summer, I'm glad they're back in time for me to spend some quality time with them before I go! (I'll stop being soppy now!)

So in amongst the mass of unpacking and laundry we had a quiet afternoon out for lunch and catching up. But let me get back to the laundry for a second - there was soooo much! Thus we made a trip to the launderette and Dad even had to put up 2 extra washing lines to dry it all so it certainly was all hands on deck (until the hanging it out to dry part when I managed to escape upstairs and have a lie down! Hehe) We also popped to Tesco for some essentials (including Mars Bar ice creams, which we had to eat as a matter of urgency, of course, before they melted so didn't even wait to get home but tucked straight in on the drive back..!)

And since then I've had a quiet night in, packing (woooo only 6 days to go before my travels begin!!) because I'm just too excited to keep waiting and I think packing may actually be one of my favourite pass times. No, perhaps the completion of packing is the part I love.. Getting to tick it off and move on to something else. Either way, we're nearly there and suitcase is already looking rather full!

Ooh and before I forget - we harvested one of my cucumbers today.. I've been waiting for about 4 weeks for this little one to ripen, but found out today that its actually meant to small, round and yellow... Tasted delicious anyway!! Like a tangier version of normal cucumber, would be lovely in a salad! Of course I shared it with my snails and they enjoyed it too! Thank you again, Jo and Grandpa Wheeler for starting me off with these!

So a quiet day generally today, but thanking God for the many blessings He gives me and for bringing M&D back safely! Until tomorrow folks!

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