Thursday 17 July 2014


I am privileged to know some incredibly wise people who are open and willing to walk with me through life and share some of their wisdom with me.
Tonight, I was fed and watered and extremely encouraged by a loving couple who, over the years, have invested in me, prayed for me and helped shape who I am today.

After a beautiful walk round the park, we sat a while and talked and they shared stories from their past with me. Real, honest, life stuff. Stories of love and difficulty and hope and change.

One particular phrase flicked a switch somewhere in me; a sudden realisation of truth, and a new perspective on my purpose, particularly in the job that I do working with vulnerable young people and when I begin teaching next year:

When exposed to enough love, you can't help but be changed.

Not just 'a bit' of love, but enough love. Love that doesn't give up after one mistake, or search for reciprocation.. Love that keeps going even when it hurts and gets thrown back in your face.

It saddens me to think that so many people are not exposed to enough love, enough patience and grace, to see their lives turned around, to know that moment of change.
But it reminds me again of my purpose: to love God and to love my neighbour. Not just a bit, but enough.
As followers of Jesus, are we not called to love as Jesus loved us? To expose people to the love that we have known, so fierce and relentless, that regardless of their past or current experiences, they may know the freedom and the change it brings?

For while we were sinners, Christ died for us. He showed us enough love when we didn't ask for it or deserve it.
Let us do something with that love and expose those around us to the difference it can make.

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