Sunday 9 January 2011

Man's inhumanity to man

Man was made to mourn: A Dirge

Many and sharp the num'rous ills
Inwoven with our frame!
More pointed still we make ourselves
Regret, remorse, and shame!
And man, whose heav'n-erected face
The smiles of love adorn, -
Man's inhumanity to man
Makes countless thousands mourn!
- Robert Burns

I watched the film Sophie Scholl this evening.
I can't say I enjoyed it. It's not the sort of film you enjoy.
But I find WWII is so interesting, and like (perhaps "like" isn't the right word?) learning about the holocaust, and events which took place during the war.
I think it's important we remember. And it's even more important that we learn.

It's based on a true story, and seemingly stays as true to the facts as possible.
In 1942, Sophie, a 21 year old student from Ulm in Germany, her brother Hans, and a number of others around the country wrote, copied and distributed thousands of leaflets opposing Hitler's regime and the war. Sophie and Hans were caught, arrested by the gestapo, and eventually executed by guillotine, found guilty of sedition (incitement of rebellion against the government).

In the film, near the end, her parents visit her in prison to say goodbye. It's a short scene in which her father tells of how proud they are of her of what she did, and her mother simply urges her to remember Jesus.
She does. And she reassures her mother that she will see her again in eternity.
I hope this is how it was in real life.
I hope Sophie Scholl knew Jesus...

In court, when giving her speech, she is quoted to have said,
Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare express themselves as we did.
I'm inspired by her courage, to stand up and be the one who expressed what many believed.
There's so much in the world today, that so many of us know is wrong. I would start naming countries but I think every country would be on the list...
Who of us is willing to stand up and speak out against injustice?

I don't know if I am.
I'm just being honest.

I see war, persecution, poverty, racism, sexism..
I see indifference, apathy, fear, busyness, ignorance..

None of it's right.
I want to care, I want to stand up and speak out and make it all stop.

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do and, by the grace of God I shall do.
- Edward Everett Hale

Everyone can do something.

I'll ask myself.
And, by the grace of God I shall try and do what I can.

But can I be bold in asking you as well, "what can you do?"

Thank you God for the courage you give, and thank you for the mercy you have shown to us all through your Son. LORD, will you show us what we can do, to show your love, to speak the truth, to meet needs. May we learn from those who have gone before us. Let us not stand by as injustice rages throughout the earth. And if we are those acting unjustly, then please forgive us. Change our hearts.
Start with me.

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