Monday 23 May 2011

Still waiting.

So the World didn't end on Saturday. Jesus hasn't returned yet.
(in case you hadn't noticed.)

On Monday morning, the ears of Harold Camping's many generous followers will be tuned in to his morning radio show, waiting to hear how he will handle this whole situation of yet another failed rapture 'prediction'.

Now I am a firm believer in what Christ said when He told his disciples that 'No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father'. (Matt 24:36)
And a valuable lesson I learned a couple of years back taught me that our interpretation of Scripture never contradicts what the Word actually says.

But I have to admit that I prayed a lot on Saturday.
Just in case I suppose.
But mainly because I have a lot of friends who don't yet know Christ and wouldn't have been ready, had He returned that evening. Whilst I felt I was prepared, I knew people that weren't and that wasn't OK with me.
I had so many good conversations on Friday and Saturday. I talked through deep and sincere questions and fears with close friends of mine, about what might happen if Jesus did come back that night, about what would happen to them after that.. and I prayed and prayed that God would open their eyes for them to see Him and know the truth that can set them free.

I am still praying. But I am also praising God that there is still time.
The more I think about it, I feel like Paul when he writes to the Philippians. If I could be with Jesus now, there would be nothing better. But for every moment I am still here on earth and have breath in my lungs, I have time to share the Good News of Christ's death and resurrection with those who don't know.

The May 21st Apocalypse prediction was incorrect, but it certainly got people talking and renewed a sense of urgency within me that I should always have. My apathetic attitude towards people's salvation is simply not OK. This weekend I was reminded of that, and challenged to my core.

I am still waiting. But not passively. While I wait, there is still work to be done.
'The harvest is plentiful..' (Matt 9:37)

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