Sunday, 18 September 2011

Friday, 26 August 2011
Irresistible Revolution #4
And nervousness because I honestly expected that Shane would come across as 'holier than thou'... Probably with some right to do so.
(quoted from the Iraqi guy Shane had a convo with, in reply to Shane's comment 'I'm surprised at how many Christians there are here) 'This is where it all started. America didn't invent Christianity, you know. It only domesticated it. We're praying for the church in America.'
Friday, 24 June 2011
Out of the mouth of babes
From the rising of the sun, until the night falls.
Hallelujah, praise the LORD!
Not to us, LORD, not to us
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Irresistible Revolution #3
I now carry Irresistible Revolution with me in the bottom of my bag when I go out, in case I get a spare moment and a chance to get stuck in. As well as my bookmark, loose sheets of notepaper mark my pages so I can write notes as I go, on parts that particularly stick out to me or challenge me. I'm really making an effort to not give up reading this one!
To date, I have read up to page 39 (which consists of the Foreword by Jim Wallis, Introduction, The Authors Note and the first few pages of Chapter One). I wanted to blog some of my thoughts to help me properly digest what I'm reading, so I'll post a quote and let my thoughts run on it..
‘The whisper cries out for God to save the church from us Christians and breathe new life in to the aging body.’[1]
I think the reason this passage stood out is because of the 'saving the church from us Christians' part. Firstly, it makes me think of the quote from Brennan Manning, 'The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians - who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, and walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.' It makes me sad. Sad to think that I'm probably one of the Christians that is being spoken about here... But secondly, it makes me think that surely, all Christians can not be represented here. There are some who have got it right, who are so stained with the mark of Christ, so full and over-flowing with the Spirit that the joy of God in them bubbles over and reaches out to those around them, like a breath of fresh air. If the whole body was 'aging' and decaying, we wouldn't be bearing fruit would we?
‘New prophets are rising up who try to change the future, not just predict it.’[2]
This makes me excited and nervous..
Excited because to me, this is a sign that God is moving and that people are taking Him and their gifts seriously, these 'new prophets rising up'. Excited because change is occurring. And because prophets tell of what God is doing and going to do and we get the chance to be involved in this.
But it makes me nervous because prophets were the ones who God sent when Israel was in a state, ignoring Him, and in desperate need of rescuing. I know the world is in that state already, but most people aren't listening to the prophets. A lot of people don't care.. It also makes me nervous because Jesus warned us about false prophets and it's our responsibility to discern what is true from what is false...
Harold Camping for example, whilst in essence doing the right thing by investing time and finance to warn people about the end times, was false in predicting the date and time of Christ's return, and his eschatology was debatable... But his example does lead to questions like, what are we seriously doing to warn people of Christs return? And what else are we doing other than informing people of the after-life? Are we loving and serving? Are we meeting the needs of the needy? Providing for our children in the future? For our children’s children…? Are we showing people the life of joy and freedom that is available to us today, not just in the future?
‘The truth is that much stands in the way of God’s will for the world.’[3]
Yes. Earthly, material things. But Christians too probably.
‘If I’m awesome we have a problem… only God is awesome.’[4]
Originally I was worried about what the book was gonna be like, and what Claiborne's attitude was gonna be. I didn’t really know what to expect, but figured that he might take the view that he’s right and I’m probably wrong, and that I need to be a better Christian so here’s how to do it... I'm coming to realise that that's my default way of thinking when faced with someone who I assume to be superior to me in theology / spirituality / intelligence / general life cirmcumstnace etc.etc. That I'm gonna be told that I'm wrong, and I should do better.
Anyway, perhaps this is why this phrase stood out to me coz already throughout the book, it's clear that Claiborne thinks of himself as very ordinary, and normal. He's down-to-earth and I haven’t detected a hint of an attitude anything like what I thought I might. He is honest, blunt, and challenging (even in the author’s note!) but he’s not arrogant and he knows that God is the only one worthy of glory and exultation through this.
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
From the Kitchen...
Monday, 6 June 2011
Irresistible Revolution #2
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Mark Driscoll on Twilight
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Irresistible Revolution #1

But I'll try and see.
Good thing to bear in mind as I go from here!!
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Here goes.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
God at Work.
What an honour.
Monday, 23 May 2011
A Day to Remember
Still waiting.
Friday, 20 May 2011
Season 8 Summary. (Because I can and I want to)

Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Deep fried ice cream goodness...

Since I'm not saying much, things must be going unsaid.
Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Questions about life after death, sin and forgiveness, good vs evil, homosexuality and the church, amongst others flooded in and I couldn't help being inspired and somewhat emotional by what I saw and heard; the obvious craving for spirituality, for answers to hard questions, or just for opportunity to ask these hard questions and talk about possible answers if not the definite one... cravings for love and acceptance, for honesty, for someone to follow and look up to, for certainty in a life that is all over the place, for clarity and peace where there is confusion and hostility..
Friday, 29 April 2011
Did you hear about that guy?
I took a bit of artistic license here so some of the details aren't necessarily correct and obviously this is a fictional character / sign :P
I also have never lived in Biblical times so have little idea of what it really would have been like for a Jew during the weeks surrounding Jesus' death and resurrection.
But it was Easter so I had a little fun and got creative :)
The sign read,
Because, apparently, some guy died last Friday
And tore the veil in the Temple.
His name was Jesus.
Now all the righteous and religious ones
Have shut up shop and gone home to mourn.
“The Temple is closed until further notice” they said.
Well, that’s great.
Now there’s nothing to offer
And nowhere to offer it.
I am sinful, in need of cleansing.
What do I do now?
But the sign also said,
Apparently, this veil-tearing guy
Was a bit of a big deal.
And this is for real, some say He was the Son of God,
King of the Jews!
But wait… what?
We crucified Him?!
What have we done..?
Oh wow, apparently, while up there dying,
He forgave those who were crucifying Him.
And apparently, death couldn’t stop this guy.
On the third day, He came back to life.
But what does that mean for me?
If it’s true that this guy was born of a virgin,
And lived his whole life without even verging on sin,
If He really was the Son of God,
Then He would have been the perfect sacrifice.
If it's true that He really is alive now,
Maybe through Him,
we can finally step forward in confidence and see
In all His glory
Only by grace
Face to face,
For God desired communion,
As in, His Spirit and my Spirit together again.
A reunion!
Like the good old days
before Adam’s mistake
before Grandfather Abe
or Isaac or Jake or Big Mo or Dave.
Before all this,
apparently, God would walk
side by side with His people
through the garden
as the sun set.
Oh how I would love that.
And people are saying that this must be the guy
all the Prophets told us about.
The Christ.
I never thought I would live to see this day
But it seems that last week
The Saviour of not only Israel, but the entire world,
Did His thing and is still around here somewhere proving it!
I’ve got to see this…
…I’ve seen Him.
Fully alive,
With the scars to show that it was Him who died
up there on that tree,
on that cross.
And to receive the forgiveness He’s offering,
all you need to do
is repent and believe.
Well I do repent.
I fell at His feet and told Him
I’m sorry for my old ways,
For my sin, and my selfishness and for not changing.
But I thank you for your sacrifice, and I believe.
I have seen and I believe.
But He said once that
even better blessings are in store for
those who believe without seeing.
And underneath the sign, in small print
was hand-written in red ink
“I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Friday, 22 April 2011
Not Letting Go
You drew near to us
although we were scum and undeserving.
But we were yours
and you weren’t letting go
without a fight.
In fact
you weren’t letting go at all.
Betrayed with a kiss,
They beat and bound you
Lashed and ground you down.
Well, they tried.
But you uttered
You weren’t letting go.
They crowned you with thorns
With ridicule and scorn,
Dragged you before the crowds
Who did the same all the more.
‘King of the Jews?’ they spat,
‘He’s not our King!
Crucify Him!’
So they took nails,
And they pierced you
your hands and your feet.
They hung you up there,
bleeding and cursed on a tree.
But You weren’t letting go.
They cast lots for your garments,
Tested and tempted you
To come down from there,
To save yourself,
To give up,
To let go.
But the only thing you were giving up
Was your Spirit
in to the hands of the Father.
Letting go of your life
as ransom for ours.
To save us.
You were pierced for our transgressions.
Crushed for our iniquities.
The punishment that brought us peace was upon you,
And by your wounds we are healed.
Broken, forsaken and yet still forgiving.
Oh righteous Christ,
full of grace, abounding in love
even at the point of death,
giving up your last breath,
You never let me go.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Lost In Wonder
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Chocolate Chip Cookie Slices

Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Mennonite Girls Can Cook.
However, I did live with a Mennonite family for a year and can therefore somewhat appreciate their sense of community and their attitude to cooking and/or baking good food.
Monday, 4 April 2011
Easter Break: day one.
Even when I sat with God this morning, and prayed and read the Word, I felt like this.