Mine did not come out looking at all like the picture on the previous post. Haha.
Ready to bake..
Ready to eat..
(please note that mine don't have the Tulip back drop either, which obviously makes a difference.)
They do taste like cookies though. Which is a start. And OK cookies actually. Maybe even good. Like, not as good as Brenda's or Donna's, but good cookies all the same!
(Next time I'll add more chocolate chips though, and cook them on a lower temp for a longer time.. see I'm learning!)
In fact, I've judged them good enough to take round Mark and Vicky's tonight, for dessert. So they passed on that level. Plus Matty enjoyed one hot out the oven last night, and then another for his drive to college this morning. Double score.
Not bad for a first go, eh?!
Masterpiece #2. Get in. I don't have one for today though, unless (by some miracle) I finish this essay I'm writing..
I told my Nan today about the cookies, and about Monday's Lasagna success too, and she said, "Oooh you'll make a good wife one day!"
Thanks Nan, thank you muchly.
That is definitely in the Top 3 of what a girl wants to hear at my age. (I'm not joking!)
The sun is shining today too - it's over 20 degrees outside.
And I am 400 words in to my 1500 word essay. Better than nothing!
What a happy little bunny I am today!

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