I finished my book this morning (Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers) and I don't know if you ever feel like this but I get it whenever I finish a good book.. it's like an insatiable thirst to keep reading.
So while I'm in this mood I'm gonna start (or attempt) Shane Claiborne's Irresistible Revolution.I know quite a few people who have read this, who have been challenged and said great things about it.

But I'm gonna admit here that I'm nervous to start it. A little scared, if I'm really honest.
I think it's because I'm expecting to be challenged and caused to ask and answer difficult questions.. and I'm not sure I'm ready. I can't be challenged on something and then just go on with life normally and ignore it.. The book's tagline is living as an ordinary radical.
I'm not very radical. And as a bit of control-freak, routine-dependent sort of person (GOLD), the word 'radical' is not one I willingly or easily embrace.
Like I said, I'm not sure I'm ready for this.
But I'll try and see.
But I'll try and see.
And already thinking about it, following Christ is radical. In today's world anyway. And if I'm doing it right. But I know this is a journey and by no means have any of us yet 'reached the goal' as Paul puts it. So I suppose I'm already there in terms of radicalness. I'm running the race already. And this book will give insight to the life of a guy who might be able to share a few tips..
And if now isn't the time to read it, I'll put it down for a while until it's right.
What I'd like to do (no promises though!) as I attempt to read this, is blog my thoughts as I go along. So I'm not gonna just power through this to tick it off as done and add it to my reading list, I'm gonna think about it and let it sink in.. and then blog what I'm thinking!
I had this idea when reading the first page:
Dedicated to
all the hypocrites, cowards and fools ... like me.
May we find the Way, the Truth and the Life
in a world of shortcuts, deception and death.
Already I am challenged because I put Claiborne on a pedestal.
My preconceptions of him, that came purely from ignorance and assumption, were that he would be amazing and righteous and have it all sorted.
This sorted that one out.
He is humble and admits that he is a hypocrite, a coward and a fool. Like me. That's what I feel like. Don't we all sometimes, I wonder? When he says ordinary radical, that's just what he is.
But we've got an extra-ordinary God :) and I'm reminded that it's Christ I am following, and trying to imitate, not Shane Claiborne!
Good thing to bear in mind as I go from here!!
Good thing to bear in mind as I go from here!!
And I agree wholeheartedly with his last two lines there. I'm reminded of the words to Jimmy Needham's Not Without Love benediction (click to listen to it on youtube)
"Now I finally see that Christ is what Christ offers"
It is only Christ who offers the Way where we know only shortcuts and dead-ends, the Truth when we know only lies and deception, and Life when all we know is death and decay...
Yes and Amen. I pray that I would come to know Christ more through this, and that He will shine through me as I go about living my life for, with and in Him.
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