Everything has changed. Again.
I'm in a new place, with different people, setting up home yet again, somewhere new.
Please don't get me wrong, this is all very exciting and adventurous.
But I had imagined that this type of thing would get easier the more I did it.
In fact, the opposite is true.
It's hard to believe that compared with this, moving across the Atlantic on my own to live and work with complete strangers for almost a year in a country I'd never been to before, seemed positively easy.
Each time I am uprooted, more heart strings are pulled, and feelings of being unsettled and anxious resurface once more.
Admittedly, having been here four days now, I have certainly settled in well and I honestly love my house mates and already the ridiculous amounts of fun and creativity that have ensued.
But knowing that this would happen, didn't seem to help the initial sting of change and all that comes with it.
The season has changed.
Autumn is here.
A new year has begun.

Still, I can and do rejoice for my God is with me; faithful and unchanging, He remains the same and by my side through all of this and I know I am in safe, capable and loving hands.
Praise be to God.
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