Monday 4 April 2011

Easter Break: day one.

OK firstly, my cousin just posted this to me on fb and it is incredible.

Click and watch and be amazed all over again by the gospel.
(sometimes you need to hear it again afresh, right? I don't know how I get so blasé about all of this..)

Right, so now you've watched that.
Check this out!

Ready to bake...

Ready to eat..

It's a shame the photo doesn't do it huge amounts of justice! But trust me, it was good. Especially for a first ever attempt at making lasagna (from scratch might I add!).

In fact, I was so excited about baking today (and being all 'housewifey'!) I've had to stop myself from making a goal of 'creating a masterpiece a day' for the duration of my easter break..
(This would count as masterpiece #1, obviously.)
But I'm pretty sure after like 3 days I'd run out of things to make, or else run out of creativity or motivation.
And in all fairness, it would just be another way to procrastinate from getting my essays and revision done.

But we'll see what I can do, anyway.
Like I also made chocolate cornflake cakes for supper whilst watching Glee, for Mom and I to eat while watching Eclipse again.

(Can't think of a segway so this can be it!)

Last night I was reading Eat, Pray, Love (getting through it slowly - I'm almost half way through).
The story is written by Elizabeth Gilbert, and is about the year she takes out to travel and find herself and ultimately, get her life back on track. It's split in to three parts, and I'm in the second one - she is currently in India, living in an Ashram while visiting her guru (I know this sounds weird, you have to read it to understand but stick with me here!).
So last night I got to a part where she was admitting how hard she finds the act of meditation and I was so incredibly challenged by it, I couldn't wait to write it down and reflect on what she'd said.

"There's a difference between meditation and prayer, though both practices seek communion with the divine. I've heard it said that prayer is the act of talking to God, while meditation is the act of listening. Take a wild guess as to which comes easier for me. I can prattle away to God about all my feelings and my problems all the livelong day, but when it comes time to descend in to silence and listen. . . well that's a different story. When I ask my mind to rest in stillness, it is astonishing how quickly it will turn (1) bored, (2) angry, (3) depressed, (4) anxious or (5) all of the above."

What she said so resonated with how I feel most of the time (minus the angry and depressed parts).
Even when I sat with God this morning, and prayed and read the Word, I felt like this.

It's funny how in the times when life is crazy and hectic, I so crave that quiet time and just to hear God in the stillness.. and then when life calms down and I get some time to be still and listen, it becomes the hardest thing in the world for me to do!

I was listening to someone talk a few weeks ago, and he was saying that we can't or we shouldn't be bored with God.. and I agree with him on that. This is not so much that I am bored by or with God, it just feels more like I've got a case of ADHD of the mind - I can't be still long enough to simply sit and wait on God, and listen to what He's saying.

And yet God says, 'Be still and know that I am God'.
He spoke to Samuel while he was sleeping, and to Elijah in the still small voice.
And I want for Him to speak to me in the quiet, too.
But I know I have to listen in order to hear..

It's encouraging, though, to know that others feel like it too (I know it's only in a book, and Elizabeth doesn't have a relationship with God through Christ like I do, but it's encouraging still..)
Even in Romans 7, Paul talks about not doing what he wants to do, and doing what he doesn't want to do and while he's not talking about listening, I think it's applicable here.

So this is something I've asked God for help with, and I'm hoping for change.
It's a good thing my God is in to change!

That's enough musings for one day I think.

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