I took a bit of artistic license here so some of the details aren't necessarily correct and obviously this is a fictional character / sign :P
I also have never lived in Biblical times so have little idea of what it really would have been like for a Jew during the weeks surrounding Jesus' death and resurrection.
But it was Easter so I had a little fun and got creative :)
The sign read,
Because, apparently, some guy died last Friday
And tore the veil in the Temple.
His name was Jesus.
Now all the righteous and religious ones
Have shut up shop and gone home to mourn.
“The Temple is closed until further notice” they said.
Well, that’s great.
Now there’s nothing to offer
And nowhere to offer it.
I am sinful, in need of cleansing.
What do I do now?
But the sign also said,
Apparently, this veil-tearing guy
Was a bit of a big deal.
And this is for real, some say He was the Son of God,
King of the Jews!
But wait… what?
We crucified Him?!
What have we done..?
Oh wow, apparently, while up there dying,
He forgave those who were crucifying Him.
And apparently, death couldn’t stop this guy.
On the third day, He came back to life.
But what does that mean for me?
If it’s true that this guy was born of a virgin,
And lived his whole life without even verging on sin,
If He really was the Son of God,
Then He would have been the perfect sacrifice.
If it's true that He really is alive now,
Maybe through Him,
we can finally step forward in confidence and see
In all His glory
Only by grace
Face to face,
For God desired communion,
As in, His Spirit and my Spirit together again.
A reunion!
Like the good old days
before Adam’s mistake
before Grandfather Abe
or Isaac or Jake or Big Mo or Dave.
Before all this,
apparently, God would walk
side by side with His people
through the garden
as the sun set.
Oh how I would love that.
And people are saying that this must be the guy
all the Prophets told us about.
The Christ.
I never thought I would live to see this day
But it seems that last week
The Saviour of not only Israel, but the entire world,
Did His thing and is still around here somewhere proving it!
I’ve got to see this…
…I’ve seen Him.
Fully alive,
With the scars to show that it was Him who died
up there on that tree,
on that cross.
And to receive the forgiveness He’s offering,
all you need to do
is repent and believe.
Well I do repent.
I fell at His feet and told Him
I’m sorry for my old ways,
For my sin, and my selfishness and for not changing.
But I thank you for your sacrifice, and I believe.
I have seen and I believe.
But He said once that
even better blessings are in store for
those who believe without seeing.
And underneath the sign, in small print
was hand-written in red ink
“I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.”