Thursday, 10 March 2011

Today was a Fairytale

Today I had the most productive day of my 2011 so far... (not quite a fairytale admittedly, but it's a catchy title..)

I'm not sure if this is something that will interest you - yes, you - hello there reader :)
And I'm also not a major fan of hanging all my emotional laundry our for everyone to read about... But when walking back from doing my actual laundry this evening (and thinking in facebook statuses as I so often and unfortunately do) I wanted to tell the world exactly how full and amazing my day had been.

And perhaps I'm boasting a little, but perhaps here I can also give the glory to God since I have asked almost every praying person I know to be praying for me recently because I have been having a shoddy few days.
However, my God is bigger than 'shoddy' days and too much work and not enough sleep / proper food, monthly hormones etc.etc.etc.
Yes He is.
And I'm more than certain He has been answering a lot of those prayers.

And so upon waking up today (and wanting, more than anything in the the world, to go straight back to sleep and hide from everything and everyone) I sat and pondered for a while and then began my day.

07.50 - 1st Alarm goes off. SNOOZE. (repeat this like 5 times, we're getting there.)
08.00 - iPod alarm goes off (brooke frazer on the ipod. good start!)
08.17 - Still in bed, but sitting up now at least. Up at last.
08.30 - Since I chose to sleep through my devotion time this morning (I know this isn't cool, I don't this most mornings) - I simply sat and read Psalm 46, and then a bit from Matthew 4 about Jesus beginning to preach.
08.45 - Shower, Dress, Make-Up, Hair (actually did my hair properly - blow dry, straighten and even a quiff!)
9.20 - Prayed, gave my day to God and basically begged for sustenance and that He would help me survive today.
09.30 - Meeting with the CU Vice President discussing CU things that need to be discussed. Also in this time, arranged the day/time of next meeting, and arranged coffee with a friend for next week!
10.30 - Keele Christian Group Leaders Meeting ('Power Breakfast') - 2 cups of coffee and 3 pieces of toast with jam. My day was currently getting better by the minute. Good talks about Chapel goings-on and networking with the other Christian Leaders on Campus (always good!). This also included a huge amount of laughter with Kai and Dion from Jesus Jam. Those guys practically made my morning.
12.00noon - Help clear up after breakfast meeting.
12.15 - Post room (still no post, although I've been expecting 2 letters for a while now...), bumped in to lisa who gave me a little pep-talk before my debate, sent about 100 texts (slight exaggeration) because apparently i got popular this morning (that's not the reason).
12.30 - Sat in Le Cafe frantically going over my debate notes and making little changes that I felt would make my argument that little bit better.
13.00 - The debate. Cloe went first. 15 minutes later, I took the stage (as it were), and argued against the motion that U.S. Immigration Laws should be more rigidly enforced. I think it went pretty well - and I have 3 reasons for this:
#1. My side of the debate lasted just short of 15minutes (criteria met).
#2. There weren't many questions for me after the debating period, and yet the ones that were asked, I was able to give informed answers too, both of which lead me to believe that I both researched and argued my corner pretty well.
#3. I came away from the class believing very strongly that U.S. Immigration laws shouldn't be more enforced.. When I actually don't think I agree with this.
14.00 - Walked home with Maddy (who I feel I haven't seen in AGES!). Pondered some more and chilled for half an hour.
14.30 - Made a Quorn sausage sandwich (verrry good.). Washed up (5days worth of washing up isn't great..). Phoned Mom! Booked train for the weekend SPO is coming to stay, printed some stuff. Did a bit of my NY Seminar prep for next week.
16.00 - Rooibos in my Sbux flask and off to mi Clase de espaƱol. Learned lots!!
17.00 - Practise with worship band for Sunday's TEN:15 service. Learned a new song. Taught some harmonies, stayed for a short while to appreciate the choir who came in to practise afterwards (actually what I imagine heaven to sound like... So beautiful).
18.30 - Walked home with Chemistry George and talked about a whole array of fun things.
18.45 - NY Seminar Questions (complete). Spanish Homework (almost complete).
19.45 - Natter with Lisa about stuff and life and marriage lol. David joined us. Conor joined us. Natter, natter... nice little catch up!
20.30 - Applied for Student Finance for next year. Put a potato in to bake. Facebooked a little. Ate custard creams. Phoned mom (again), phoned Rich (who flies out to Dubai next Thursday!!)
21.00 - Put Laundry on. Spanish Homework (complete). Ate tea (jacket potato with cheese, and roasted onions, tomato... and frozen grapes (sort of addicted to those at the moment..).
22.00 - (approximate time) Put Laundry in to dryer. Watched '#23 week babies' on BBC iPlayer. Unreal. Cried a little. Considered the positives of being a 'custard cream' (purely for Owen's benefit).
22.50 - Went to get Laundry. Folded every single article as soon as it came out the dryer (sad affects of OCD).
About 23.30 - started blogging and still here (at 00.21am), although I'm actually in the middle of putting my all my lovely clean clothes away.
Will probably finish now, get ready for bed and read some before sleeping..

But I suppose the reason I just wrote all that is because I wanted to acknowledge that even when things aren't going massively well, God is faithful to His promises when He says 'I am He who will sustain you', or that 'I am your refuge and strength' or when He encourages me to 'Be still and know that [He] is God.' - He actually does sustain, he does give strength to those who are weak and weary and He was in every detail of my day today. I had a positive, joyful, productive day, and I have lots of people to thank for it but mostly, God.

I think it's good to get things out my system and on to my blog so I don't forget.
I thank you God for good friends, for my education, for a family who love me and look out for me, for the privilege of the leadership roles you have put me in during this season, for food and shelter and more than enough of everything I could need or want.
Thank you for every blessing.
Thank you for today.

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