Thursday, 22 July 2010


I spent a day at the beach, a few weeks back. My Aunt, Uncle, Mom, Dad. And Me.

The weather was perfect, and we lay on the sand under the British sun, naming as many films beginning with the letter A, B, C, etc..
Dad brought his kite too. Well, if is wasn't for my mom he wouldn't have. She got it out the loft just before we left, in case it was windy enough to fly. I'm glad she thought of it. We had so much fun.

So Dad and I spent about 30 minutes working out how to put it together. The last time it was out of it's case was probably about 12 years ago...
I could tell Dad was excited. He's usually quite solemn, but I could see the anticipation in his eyes and his eagerness to get it up in the air!

I held the Kite as high as I could hold it, Dad gripped the handles, and we walked further apart until the string was taut.

I let go, Dad held on, and up it went.
And after a few minutes getting used to it, Dad gave up to reigns and let me try.
It was the first time I've flown a kite, I think. And it was awesome.

Soaring. Flying. But not quite free.

See the thing about Kites, is unless they are held tightly and the string kept taut, they just fall. They're freedom to fly about meters above the ground and do loop-the-loops and whatever other tricks, is only made possible through being anchored to something on back on ground.
Something unshakeable, that won't fail, fall or let go.

Let go.. and the kite comes crashing down.

Remind you of anything?
Well it sounds like me.
My desire is to be free. To do what I please. To please myself. To look out for number one. To ensure my happiness and success. To soar and fly and show off what I can do!

This is my human nature. Sinful, yes. Selfish, yes.
But I am still created in His image and made for eternity.
And I am being changed in to His likeness, more and more everyday I hope.

The paradox is that I am free, when He has full reign over my life. When He is in control, when He is holding the reigns, when He is guiding my life. When I am held tight in his marvellous, gentle, capable hands, I am free.
I live in the tension that when I die, I live. When I'm weak, I am strong. When I give up, I gain. When I am held, I am free.

The Kingdom of God is not backwards or upside down. But it makes sense.
It seems full of paradoxes. It's not easy to grasp, and especially not easy to live out. But God existed before time. He knows how things work. His ways are not our ways.

In a strict sense, I cannot break the rules. They endure, for they reflect the way things are. I can only break myself against them.
- John Ortberg, When the Game is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box

Monday, 5 July 2010

Too Many Words, Not Enough Time

I've been sorting through everything I own recently! Filing, organising, throwing out, making space etc.etc.
(i have too much stuff.)

And in the past few days I've come across a number of folders crammed with scraps of paper, old notebooks, napkins, anything with space enough to write on, all covered with my words.
Poems, Lyrics, even part of a Novel I started to write (and which I may continue?).
Creative, inspiring lines I jotted down over the past few years.
Now when I think back over my younger years, that's one thing I remember doing a lot of. Writing. And even now, it's just what I do. Lists, cards, notes, music, letters... I write!
But I'm still surprised at just how much I found in these folders, stuff I'd forgotten about! Some bad stuff. But some really, really good stuff.

So many songs.
So much passion and love and heartbreak and confusion and praise and emotion.
I was so expressive.

I'm gonna take some time to sort through, and will probably post some up here!

With love x